Spinal Fracture

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The Safest and Most Effective Spinal Fracture Treatments

The spine consists of 33 vertebrae that collectively form the spinal column, which protects the spinal cord. The vertebrae are separated by small, disc-like shock absorbers known as spinal discs, and the spinal cord has thousands of nerve roots that leave the spinal canal and reach other parts of the body, transmitting signals between the body and the brain. A spinal fracture occurs when one of the vertebral bones is damaged because of severe injuries or trauma.

When one of the vertebrae is fractured or damaged, the surrounding nerves, intervertebral discs, and spinal cord are also placed at a greater risk. The bone spurs and fragments from the damaged vertebrae can reach the surrounding components of the spine, leading to various other problems, such as stenosis, disc herniation, radiculopathy, and more. Spinal fractures necessitate immediate medical treatments to prevent further damages, so you must consult a reliable spine surgeon as soon as possible.

Spinal Fracture: Symptoms

Spinal fractures generally lead to neck or back pain, ranging from mild to severe, and the loss of mobility. The specific location and type of pain depends on the location and severity of the damaged vertebrae, and whether the damage causes further nerve compression. If the signs and symptoms of spinal fracture are accompanied with bowel and bladder dysfunction, you must contact your spine specialist immediately.

The following are some of the symptoms of spinal fractures:

  • Painful sensation on different parts of the body
  • Numbness and tingling sensations on different parts of the body
  • Muscle weakness on different parts of the body
  • Paralysis of the legs and arms (severe cases)
  • Bowel and bladder dysfunction (severe cases)

Spinal Fracture: Causes

A spine fracture usually occurs when one or more of the vertebrae can’t support the weight and pressure on the spinal column, making them collapse or develop cracks. You may also develop spinal fractures because of age-related wear and tear, degenerative changes, and injuries and trauma caused by car accidents, falls from a significant height, sports injuries, and more. Your spine surgeon identifies the root cause of spinal fractures to curate the ideal treatments.

Spinal Fracture: Treatments

Dr. Kakoulides discusses your symptoms and administers numerous imaging tests, such as X-rays and CT scans, to identify the damaged vertebrae. He also determines the possibility of nerve root compression based on your symptoms. In most cases, spinal fractures don’t require treatment because your body initiates the healing process naturally, though you may need bracing. But if you have severe spinal fractures with nerve compression, the surgeon may curate a minimally invasive spine surgery plan.

If you have severe spinal fractures with symptoms of nerve compression, you may need minimally invasive spine surgery to decompress the nerve roots, such as microdecompression, disc replacement surgery, or a spinal fusion. If you’re experiencing the loss of spinal stability, the surgeon may use rods, screws, and other implants to restore spinal stability. Whatever your condition and requirements might be, Dr. Kakoulides always starts with conservative treatments or minimally invasive spine surgery — complex spinal reconstruction is a last resort.

Contact Dr. George Kakoulides

Dr. George Kakoulides is a board-certified neurosurgeon with decades of experience treating thousands of patients with different degrees of spinal fractures, from simple to complex. He combines the latest, cutting-edge minimally invasive techniques with his surgical skills to provide the safest and most effective treatments. Depending on your unique condition, your spinal care may involve conservative treatments or minimally invasive surgeries. Please schedule an appointment to explore your spinal fracture treatment options in New York.